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10 Seconds, 30 Days (1 Month) Before Purchase

10 Seconds, 30 Days Before Purchase

Small purchases, give yourself at least 10 seconds to evaluate if you really want/need a purchase.

Large purchases, give yourself 30 days (1 month) before making the purchase. Large purchases do not mean needs, they constitute wants.

My wife and I keep each other in check. We question each other with the hard questions like, "Are you really going to use it?"

Exercise equipment easily fall into this category. Treadmills are an prime example. Why do you need to pay for a machine for this practice? Get off your @$$ and go for a brisk walk! Save that money for something more valuable; whether profitable, or peace of mind.

A savings goes a long way to make you feel better. The more you have, the better you will feel. There is the following saying, "The rich are no happier than you or I, but they worry less." I think that is pretty awesome! When a rainy day hits, the ability to not have to scrounge for funds is a big deal, and a huge weight off your shoulders. Let's face it; living week to week sucks.

Figure out how to save first. Trim as much of the fat off the budget as possible. Making tough choices today, will help you cross the debt free finish line that much sooner. When we became aggressive about getting out of debt, we limited our selves to 1-2 movie dates per year. Small savings, but a start. Make some tough choices, and you will save more than you think.

We have a ton more. Every decision has to get boiled down to a right or wrong answer; and those answers are different for everybody. Need some advice? Contact us!
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