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How to Save Over $270 on Hair Cuts

Cutting your own hair can be a tough task, but if you have a spouse, couple, or friend that isn't afraid to take on the challenge of cutting hair, you can save a chunk of change.

Hair Cuts Growing Up

I grew up cutting my own hair since my late teens. I was too cheap to spend $15 or more to have someone else cut it so I figured out how to do it with a couple of tools; 2 mirrors, electric trimmers, scissors, and some patients. I'll admit  it wasn't always perfect, but it was good enough in my younger years.

My Short Hair Cuts Now

Now that I am older, have a career and a beautiful wife, pictured throughout this post, the stakes are a little higher. Lucky for me, my wife is eager to be a thrifty teammate.

With my hair, what little I have left of it these days, is one of those pretty straight forward short haircuts. Short hairstyles, at least on guys anyways, can be tackled and overcome in a matter of a few hair cuts.These days there is a YouTube video for everything, and short haircuts for guys is no different. My wife has been cutting my hair for roughly seven years now and she has it down to a science.

Not including travel time, and gas, we save roughly $15 each time my wife cuts my hair. The average time between short hair cuttings is six weeks. Just by my wife cutting my hair, we save $120 per year or $840 over the seven years she has been cutting it.  What about my wife's hair?

My Wife's Really Long Hair

My wife's really long hair is a whole different animal. I was nervous at first, like anything else. Eventually I've gotten good at it. I always get a smile on my face when we are out and she gets compliments on her hair, and they ask her where she gets it cut at. The hard part for me was learning how to layer it and not make everything look like a straight line. Once again, there is a YouTube video for everything, and long hair trimming is no different.

If my wife had to go to the hair salon to get this cut it would cost quite a bit. A trim is a minimum of $50, and more often more than $60. Even at only $50 per cut, every four months would set us back $150 annually. Because I cut her hair for her, I am able to take less off, yet do it more often, which allows it to remain healthy looking and minimizing split ends. So what does all this add up to?

Savings in Hair Cuts

Between the two of us, it would cost us a minimum of $270 per year just to have our hair cut and trimmed at a barber and/or salon. That may not sound like much, but it does add up. Over the 7 years we have been cutting each others hair, we have saved a minimum of $1890. Keep in mind that this does not include travel time, tips, gas or anything else. These numbers are closer to being over $300 annually and in excess of $2100 over the seven years.

Final Thoughts

Fortunately, we have simple styles which goes a long way in allowing us to cut each others hair with success and neither of us bleach or color our hair which also keeps the cost down. It would be impossible to have healthy hair this long if she didn't eat right, and it was abused by heat and chemicals. I know many people get different styles, perms, colorings, etc. and that is great! At the same time, I am always amazed about how many compliments my wife gets in day out in public. People are always coming up to her and asking her what her secrets are and how much money she must spend at the salon. When we tell them $0, they are always amazed. Entertain the idea of cutting each others hair and save the extra to put toward something more important, like perhaps an IRA!

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