Facial peel home remedies for beauty scorer the internet but I have to say that this home face peel truly works. The long list of ingredients needed are such:
- egg white (from 1 egg)
- paper towel or cotton sheets
- time
Before getting started with your facial peel home remedy, you will want to wash your face very good. Do this before getting and separating your egg white in the next step. I say this because you want your face very dry and free of moisture before doing the later steps.
Next apply patches of paper towel or the cotton sheets to the egg white coated area. Make sure to tuck them into the corners around the nose very well.
Then apply egg white to the top of paper towels (or cotton sheets). Make sure you do this very liberally but only what will absorb into the paper towel. Excess does not increase results, only drying time.
Next you have to wait until everything is TOTALLY dry. Your home face peel success hinges on this step so do not rush it. Doing so will hinder your results. This could take an hour depending on the humidity in the air and the temperature. A hair dryer can help to speed this process however the acid in the albumin is what does the trick.
After all is completely dry (and I can not stress this enough), carefully peel off the paper towel (or cotton sheets) facial peel. After doing this, hold the side that was against your face up into the light and notice all the black-heads, hair and gunk that stays stuck to the paper towel.
Finally wash your face to remove any dried egg remanence.
I really look forward to hearing your results after doing your home face peel. Please post a comment and let me know what your thoughts where. Do you have a facial peel home remedy that you really like? I want to hear these too.
Key words:
facial peel home, home face peel
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