This quick article will show you a super easy way of checking your hard drive from the command prompt using S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, ...
Archive for
April 2015
10 Seconds, 30 Days (1 Month) Before Purchase
10 Seconds, 30 Days Before Purchase Small purchases, give yourself at least 10 seconds to evaluate if you really want/need a purchase. ...
All Natural Tomato Plant Cage - Using Morning Glories
The Morning Glory Tomato Cage.... This is an original that Marisa and I discovered by accident nearly two years ago. We are really excit...
Super food weeds! Tea and Salad Growing in Your Yard!
Did you know you are growing a super food tea and a garden salad in your yard? Most people don't realize that the dandelion, also kn...
V2.0 Indoor Homemade Adult Fungus Gnat Sticky Paper Trap
Fungus Gnat UPDATE V2.0 ( Don't forget to read V1.0 as there is important info here too! ) My wife Marisa came up with a great idea ...
NEW Samsung LCD Not Loading Apps Like Netflix or YouTube? We Got Your Fix!
Marisa and I just purchased a new Samsung UN60H7150AFX 60" Smart TV. Out of the box it appeared to work pretty good. Then all of a ...
Stuck screw?
Stuck screw? Ever find your self SCREWED? Ok, this happens all the time. But seriously. Sometimes trying to get a screw out becomes a h...
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